Sunday, October 6, 2013

Just Make ONE...and one more and one more...

We're working on Color Theory for our first project across the board in all grade levels.
Kindergarten is doing two projects, Rainbow Hands and a torn paper Color Wheel collage.
Rainbow Hands is another Pinterest project (I don't think this is what I had originally pinned, but it's the same thing.). I'm spreading it over two days. The first day is printing, the second should be cutting and gluing...yeah...So this is what day one is supposed to look like:
BIG teacher hands
These are the kindergartners:
I have no idea how she forgot yellow.  Other than that she followed directions.
Little kinder hands...not so much.  And direction following...not so much., but still okay
Okay, the first two aren't so bad.  You do have to understand that directions went a little like this:
"You're going to put ONE hand in the red paint, give it a good smoosh around (I put my hand in the paint, rub it around and show the kindergarteners)
and then make ONE red hand on your paper (holding up one finger)...ONE (holding up one finger)...How many (holding up one finger)?"
"What color? (showing them my hand)"
"Red"  (Which at the time was the only color they had)
"How many?"
"And that's because we have more colors and hands to put on the paper."
I let them loose on the red.
And this is what I got from most:
I don't even know what to say...*sigh*
I'm re-thinking the project.  We're not going to cut and make a cute rainbow.  At least I know they were introduced to color mixing and had fun.  I'll hand back papers next time and we'll use them to help us color in an Art "math" problem and a rainbow, I guess.

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